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May 13, 2004


Have you ever thought of writing songs for an emo band?
No, because there's no crying in rock 'n' roll.
(Nikki Sixx in an interview with the Cleveland Free Times)

The Suburbs Are Killing Us not only is a great name for a blog, but also offers daily songs and commentary. The music is refreshingly diverse, this is an mp3 blog worth reading.

With a great lineup sure to tear many indie hearts in two (two stages, many excellent musicians playing concurrently), the Sasquatch Music Festival looks like the place to be Saturday, May 29th.

"If someone has a problem with the way I do this stuff with a band, they can always listen to the record when they get home," Dan Bejar (Destroyer) tells the Raleigh Independent, echoing my own feelings. I am constantly amazed that people go to live shows and expect note-for-note reenactments of albums.

Athens, Georgia's Athfest has set the schedules for their outdoor stages. The festival runs June 17-20, catch The Tom Collins, Camper Van Beethoven and The Sunshine Fix (among others) for free! Athfest's outdoor shows, combined with the plethora of club shows usually offered that weekend, make this our likely destination rather than Birmingham's City Stages, which is held the same weekend. (via The Day Jobs

"It's an interesting time right now. Some people are just not able to be free-thinking, and some people are openly critical of everything that's going on. There's the idea that it's unpatriotic to question what your government is doing, when it seems to me, and to most of the rest of the world, that a healthy skepticism is essential in a democracy." Sloan's Patrick Pentland is interviewed by the Cleveland Free Times.

"At first glance, f*ckin A is a just wad of geeky, repetitive pop punk in sore need of some antihistamine. Lean closer, though, and you'll notice a chaotic splay of soul, thought and emotion wherein Minor Threat drops acid with Robert Pollard and armed revolution swaps spit with drunken heartache." The Denver Westword reviews the excellent Thermals record, f*ckin A.

"We just wanted to ... make a record that was lasting. How long you last depends on how lasting the stuff that you're making is." Nick Stumpf of the French Kicks plots his band's future in a talk with SF Weekly.

If you had the following choice of three shows, which would you attend (this is my dilemna for the coming Sunday): Sondra Lerche; Sloan; Destroyer & Frog Eyes. Destroyer is the only band I've seen of the bunch, but with Dan Bejar not backed by Frog Eyes (my friends who have seen this lineup are split in their opinions).

