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November 1, 2008

Shorties (Laura Lippman, Kim Deal, and more)

The New York Times is serializing a novel by Laura Lippman, The Girl in the Green Raincoat.

see also: Lippman's Largehearted Boy Book Notes music playlist

The New York Times examines the Chicago of author Saul Bellow.

RIP, Studs Terkel

SF Station interviews Kim Deal of the Breeders.

SFS: Do you try to find a mutual meaning between yourself and your audience or a personal meaning?

KD: It’s personal for me because I have no idea what the audience is thinking. I have a ’50s songbook and my mom and I will sing “Lolllipop” here in the house. I have also written songs that no one has ever heard. I doesn’t make sense to play music or write songs if the only thing you are ever going to write is going to be sold. Not everything has to be sold. It can exist without somebody watching.

EDP24 profiles Noah and the Whale.

Noah and the Whale (the name is an amalgamation of the indie film The Squid and the Whale and its director, Noah Baumbach) was formed by bedroom troubadour Charlie Fink. Preoccupied with the concepts of love, death and time he started putting them to music with storytellers such as Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Bonnie “Prince” Billy and Jeffrey Lewis among his points of reference. reviews Amazon's mp3 store. is streaming Danielson: A Family Movie this week.

World Hum lists 13 great travel horror movies.

The Wall Street Journal chronicles this year's CMJ Music Marathon, talking to LHB favorite Alina Simone in the process.

"One of the things that's comforting about everything being blown to bits in the music business is that you can do what you want," she told me. "The only thing I have is the ability to be myself."

Author Deb Olin Unferth shares her favorite books with The Week.

My Most Secret Desire by Julie Doucet (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $20). A dream journal in the form of a graphic novel. Doucet dreams she has a penis. Doucet dreams all her teeth are falling out. A day in the life of Doucet. Aggressive, brave, oddly tender. Not for the squeamish, the young, or pornography-shy.

see also: Unferth's Largehearted Boy Book Notes music playlist for her debut novel, Vacation

We Are the Music Makers offers forums as a resource for anyone recording music.

The Portland Mercury's Blogtown, PDX blog reviews Chip Kidd's new book, Bat-Manga!, and offers some sample pages.

Digital Meltd0wn Music Blogroll offers a huge list of mp3 blogs.

The Wall Street Journal lists 10 comics to read in your lifetime.

Waxy offers a spreadsheet of samples used in Girl Talk's Feed the Animals album.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer examines this year's explosion in presidential comics.

StreamDrag creates streaming playlists from music searches.

BookWink uses videos and podcasts to inspire children in grades 3 through 8 to read.

NPR's All Things Considered examines the modern vampire in film, television, and fiction.

Minnesota Public Radio's The Current has Yeasayer in the studio for a performance and interview.

The Futurist shares some mp3s from the recent WOXY Lounge Act performance by Sweden's Blackstrap.

also at Largehearted Boy:

daily mp3 downloads
Try It Before You Buy It (mp3s and full album streams from this week's CD releases)
this week's CD releases


