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April 6, 2011

Largehearted WORD Books of the Week - April 6, 2011

In the Largehearted Word series, the staff of Brooklyn's WORD bookstore highlights several new books released this week.

WORD is an independent neighborhood bookstore in Greenpoint, the northernmost neighborhood of Brooklyn, that celebrated its third anniversary this March. Our primary goal is to be whatever our community needs us to be, which currently means carrying a lot of paperback fiction (especially classics), cookbooks, board books, and absurdly cute cards and stationery. In addition, we're fiends for a good event, from the classic author reading and Q&A to potlucks and a basketball league (and anything set in a bar). We're a small operation, just 1000 square feet and four people, but we read too much, so it all works out. If a weekly dose of WORD here isn't enough for you, follow us on Twitter: @wordbrooklyn.

WORD also hosts the monthly Largehearted Lit reading series, featuring authors who participated in this blog's Book Notes series and musical guests.

The Pale King: An Unfinished Novel
by David Foster Wallace


The Dewey Decimal System
by Nathan Larson

Futuristic dystopian library noir. There's really no way you can resist that set of adjectives.

The Book of Mu: Essential Writings on Zen's Most Important Koan
edited by James Ishmael Ford & Melissa Myozen Blacker

A monk asked the master, "Does a dog have Buddha nature?" The master said, "Mu." Dozens of prominent thinkers write about this koan and bring us all just a little closer to understanding.

There Is No Year
by Blake Butler

It was an honor to host an advance reading of a large portion of this book last month---and one of the most intense events we've ever had. And now the book has arrived! If you don't like experimental fiction, it's because you haven't given Butler a chance yet.

WORD Brooklyn links:

WORD website
WORD blog
WORD on Twitter
WORD's Facebook page
WORD's Flickr photos

also at Largehearted Boy:

other Largehearted Word Books of the Week (weekly new book highlights)

List of online "best of 2010" book lists

52 Books, 52 Weeks (my yearly reading project)
Antiheroines (interviews with up and coming female comics artists)
Atomic Books Comics Preview (weekly comics & graphic novel highlights)
Book Notes (authors create music playlists for their book)
guest book reviews
musician/author interviews
Note Books (musicians discuss literature)

