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July 27, 2011

Largehearted WORD Books of the Week - July 27, 2011

In the Largehearted Word series, the staff of Brooklyn's WORD bookstore highlights several new books released this week.

WORD is an independent neighborhood bookstore in Greenpoint, the northernmost neighborhood of Brooklyn, that celebrated its fourth anniversary this March. Our primary goal is to be whatever our community needs us to be, which currently means carrying a lot of paperback fiction (especially classics), cookbooks, board books, and absurdly cute cards and stationery. In addition, we're fiends for a good event, from the classic author reading and Q&A to potlucks and a basketball league (and anything set in a bar). We're a small operation, just 1000 square feet and four people, but we read too much, so it all works out. If a weekly dose of WORD here isn't enough for you, follow us on Twitter: @wordbrooklyn.

WORD also hosts the monthly Largehearted Lit reading series, featuring authors who participated in this blog's Book Notes series and musical guests.

Big Bad City
by Slinkachu

It's impossible not to get sucked into the world of this street artist. He creates tiny tableaus and glues them into place. Each photo set shows the sculptures from afar and close in, in a sort of punk-rock version of Where's Waldo.

Rules of Civility
by Amor Towles

Christine recommends this tale of two twenty-somethings in 1938 Manhattan highly: "I'm a sucker for old NYC nostalgia anyway, but this book had me hooked. The characters are vibrant and alive, and the descriptions of NY are poetic. I loved every minute of it."

Everything I Need to Know Before I'm Five
by Valorie Fisher

From numbers to colors to opposites and more, Fisher has created a photo-picture book that will have the young'uns learning in no time. The layout is incredibly clever and fun -- for example, the section on mixing colors uses rubber ducks (a yellow duck + a blue duck = a green duck)!

It Looked Different on the Model
by Laurie Notaro

Notaro, described on the jacket as "everyone's favorite idiot girl," is always a riot, and her newest is out in paperback. Plus the subtitle is "Epic Tales of Impending Shame and Infamy," and the cover has a donut on it, all of which places it squarely in our wheelhouse.

WORD Brooklyn links:

WORD website
WORD blog
WORD on Twitter
WORD's Facebook page
WORD's Flickr photos

also at Largehearted Boy:

other Largehearted Word Books of the Week (weekly new book highlights)

List of online "best of 2010" book lists

52 Books, 52 Weeks (my yearly reading project)
Antiheroines (interviews with up and coming female comics artists)
Atomic Books Comics Preview (weekly comics & graphic novel highlights)
Book Notes (authors create music playlists for their book)
guest book reviews
musician/author interviews
Note Books (musicians discuss literature)

