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August 3, 2013

Contest - Win a Jack Kerouac Bobblehead and a $100 Threadless Gift Certificate

Jack Kerouac Bobblehead

The minor league baseball team the Lowell Spinners recently gave out Jack Kerouac bobblehead dolls at a game, and are selling them with half of the proceeds going to the Kerouac Scholarship Fund.

For a chance at winning the Jack Kerouac bobblehead and a $100 Threadless gift certificate, leave a comment with the author you would most like to see immortalized in bobblehead form.

One winner, chosen randomly from the commenters, will receive the following prizes:

A Jack Kerouac bobblehead doll

A $100 Threadless gift certificate to buy t-shirts and much more.

If you have already have the bobblehead or it doesn't interest you, I am happy to substitute a second $100 Threadless gift certificate.

The winner will be chosen randomly at midnight ET Friday evening (August 9th).

also at Largehearted Boy:

previous and ongoing contests at Largehearted Boy

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