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March 4, 2020

Shorties (The 45-Hour Audiobook of Lucy Ellmann's Novel Ducks, Newburyport; Bikini Kill Profiled; and more)

Ducks, Newburyport by Lucy Ellmann

The Guardian delved into the 45-hour audiobook version of Lucy Ellman's 1,000 page novel Ducks, Newport.

For 45 hours and 34 minutes, Ellyne reads Ellmann’s text in a calm, bemused voice that recalls Laurie Anderson’s spoken-word work. During recording, she averaged 41 pages per hour, though the work continued away from the microphone.

Rolling Stone profiled the band Bikini Kill.

One thing that’s changed since Bikini Kill’s first run is the wholehearted way the world has embraced them this time. “We are getting so much more positivity and love than ever before,” Hanna says, “and we’re not having to spend all of our energy being upset that a fanzine we like just wrote a whole article about my ass.”

March's best eBook deals.

eBooks on sale for $1.99 today:

A Miracle of Catfish by Larry Brown
Nietzsche and the Burbs by Lars Iyer

Caribou's Dan Snaith answered questions from Noisey and the Reddit community.

Eliese Goldbach discussed her memoir Rust with Morning Edition.

Stream a new song by Empress Of.

Esquire listed the best cookbooks of the year so far.

Stream a new Phantom Posse song.

The Strategist recommended books for budding black feminists.

Stream a new song by Jade Hairpins.

Poet Tyehimba Jess talked music with Cincinnati CityBeat.

My first book was about Lead Belly, one of the progenitors of American Folk music. Olio is about the people who preceded him, the people who were making music before he was born or were creating their art before he was born. A lot of the work that I produce is interrogating the histories that we’ve been provided regarding our culture, the development of our music and also trying to understand the path that these artists had to take in the 19th century and comparing it to the paths that we are choosing today.

Noisey reviewed songs about Coronavirus.

Vol. 1 Brooklyn recommended March's best books.

Morning Edition looked back on Neneh Cherry's career.

The Millions listed March's must-read poetry collections.

Stream a new Diet Cig song.

Vox interviewed author Rebecca Solnit.

CrimeReads profiled author William Boyle.

BOMB shared an excerpt from Kevin Nguyen’s novel New Waves.

Candice Carty-Williams listed her favorite heroic women in literature.

The Pittsburgh City Paper profiled author Esi Eduguyan.

“My favorite books entertain and take me places I haven’t been before,” says Edugyan. “But I also come away with a sense of having understood something about history that previously escaped me, or I hadn’t thought about. Even though I didn’t set out to write a novel that would educate people, I am attracted to stories that have some connection to a larger history, stories that have been overlooked or largely forgotten.”

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previous Shorties posts (daily news and links from the worlds of music, books, and pop culture)

Atomic Books Comics Preview (the week's best new comics and graphic novels)
Book Notes (authors create playlists for their book)
Flash Dancers (authors pair original flash fiction with a song
Librairie Drawn & Quarterly Books of the Week (recommended new books, magazines, and comics)
musician/author interviews
Note Books (musicians discuss literature)
Short Cuts (writers pair a song with their short story or essay)
weekly music release lists

