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November 10, 2022

Shorties (N.K. Jemisin on Books & Reading, Singaporean Indie Pop Band Sob Band, and more)

The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On by N.K. Jemisin

N.K. Jemisin talked books and reading with ELLE.

Bandcamp Daily profiled the Singaporean pop band Sobs.

Pitchfork reviewed the band's new album Air Guitar.

One painful realization after another, Air Guitar is candy-coated without dulling the pain of heartbreak.

19 year-end lists were added to the Largehearted Boy list of "best books of 2022" lists Saturday (bringing the total to 148), including Powell's best kids' and young adult books, several Waterstones' lists, and more.

eBook on sale for $1.99 today:

Sucker's Portfolio by Kurt Vonnegut

eBook on sale for $2.99 today:

Say You're One of Them by Uwem Akpan

eBook on sale for $3.99 today:

The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis by José Saramago

November's best eBook deals.

13 year-end lists were added to the Largehearted Boy list of "best books of 2022" lists Sunday (bringing the total to 161).

Alex G covered Michelle Branch's "All You Wanted."

Book Riot recommended book journals.

Pitchfork recommended albums you might have missed this summer and fall.

Literary Hub interviewed the 2022 National Book Award finalists.

Stream a new song by Fievel Is Glauque.

Electric Literature shared an excerpt from Katherine Dunn's posthumous novel Toad.

Tropicália legend Gail Costa has passed away.

Ilya Kaminsky interviewed poet J. Hope Stein at The Rumpus.

Stream a new song by Hatchie.

Lynn Steger Strong talked to Electric Literature about her new novel Flight.

I do actually think that making books and, even in this case, making art is ultimately like a pretty hopeful act. Because you’re sort of reaching out and you’re giving and offering, and that feels really pretty incredible to me.

The OTHERPPL podcast also interviewed Steger Strong.

Paste remembered Low's Mimi Parker.

Catapult interviewed poet Franny Choi.

I both love grounding my creative work in a research process and also often feel intimidated by it, because I am cognizant that I’m approaching it not as a scholar trained in any sort of particular methodology, but as an artist. I say I’m a scholar of nothing but my own weird feelings.

NYC folks: Dolly Parton Metrocards!

Vol. 1 Brooklyn shared a new essay by Jennifer Spiegel.

The Stranger profiled the band Climax Golden Twins.

“The collage aspect has always been present in our work, too,” Taylor says. “It's a result of how we started to work initially—combining sounds and thinking we need something like this to go in here and making the sound. It's always about manipulation and editing.”

The Millions interviewed author Joe Meno.

I’ve always used music as a device to understand tone and thinking about the mood of a book and the feeling of a book.

Aquarium Drunkard interviewed Bedhead's Matt and Bubba Kadane.

Matt Rowland Hill recommended books about losing faith at the Guardian.

Paste interviewed the duo First Aid Kit.

Read new short fiction by Kelly Luce.

Stephanie LaCava discussed her new novel with Hazlitt.

I sometimes think that my work reads as in translation, even though it’s written in English, if that makes sense. The cadence has more of a French approach to punctuation; and we accept different things as readers when the characters are different, when the symbols are different, for example. I think about all of that, and then I think about what’s not on the page. That’s harder to discuss, but it’s something intuitive, maybe?

Third Coast Review interviewed singer-songwriter Beth Orton.

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