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April 26, 2002

Friday Five (Hobbies)

1. What are your hobbies? Gardening, cooking, music, reading/writing, hockey... I enjoy pastimes in which I can both participate directly and explore historically and intellectually.

2. Do you collect anything? If so, what? Cartoon character paraphernalia, shotglasses (used to keep sprigs of herbs fresh), music, books, memories, art.

3. Is there a hobby you're interested in, but just don't have the time/money to do? Travel (no hesitation on this one). It's less of a money constraint than time in our case. Earning our living gets in the way now, but once we retire I can see travel becoming a priority. Then again, right now the weekend getaways are that much more special to us.

4. Have you ever turned a hobby into a moneymaking opportunity? I've sold short stories and poems, but other than that, not really. I admire people who make their living at something they love, though.

5. Besides web-related stuff (burbs, rings, etc.), what clubs do you belong to? Like Groucho Marx, I wouldn't join any club that would have me.

Friday Five courtesy of Heather

