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January 11, 2012

Largehearted WORD Books of the Week - January 11th, 2012

In the Largehearted Word series, the staff of Brooklyn's WORD bookstore highlights several new books released this week.

WORD is an independent neighborhood bookstore in Greenpoint, the northernmost neighborhood of Brooklyn, that will celebrate its fifth anniversary in March 2012. Our primary goal is to be whatever our community needs us to be, which currently means carrying a lot of paperback fiction (especially classics), cookbooks, board books, and absurdly cute cards and stationery. In addition, we're fiends for a good event, from the classic author reading and Q&A to potlucks and a basketball league (and anything set in a bar). We're a small operation, just 1000 square feet and four people, but we read too much, so it all works out. If a weekly dose of WORD here isn't enough for you, follow us on Twitter: @wordbrooklyn.

WORD also hosts the monthly Largehearted Lit reading series, featuring authors who participated in this blog's Book Notes series and musical guests.

by Tina Fey

If you did not treat yourself to Tina Fey's crazy funny memoir in hardcover, now's your chance to pick it up in paperback. We're not sure about the new yellow cover, but we are 1,000% positive that the innards are still hysteria-inducing.

Blueprints of the Afterlife
by Ryan Boudinot

There are books that just sell themselves, and this is one of them. A truly snappy cover and an over-the-top crew of blurbers (Tom Robbins AND Robert Olen Butler? Really?!) have combined to make this impossible not to pick up on your way past. Also, it's a future-Manhattan story, so hot right now.

Distrust That Particular Flavor
by William Gibson

Gibson is a sci-fi Hall of Famer, and his fictional visions of the future are always fascinating (and sometimes accurate). This collection brings together thirty years of musings, reporting, and essays speculating on present and future technology. For the uber-nerd in your life, especially if that nerd is you.

One Girl Cookies
by Dawn Casale & David Crofton

We have a soft spot for dessert books, obviously. If the words Cream Cheese Shortbread or Sicilian Trifle don't instantly make your mouth water, you might want to seek medical attention. Bonus: You can also go "taste-test" the recipes at the bakery here in Brooklyn.

WORD Brooklyn links:

WORD website
WORD blog
WORD on Twitter
WORD's Facebook page
WORD's Flickr photos

also at Largehearted Boy:

other Largehearted Word Books of the Week (weekly new book highlights)

List of online "best of 2011" book lists

52 Books, 52 Weeks (my yearly reading project)
Antiheroines (interviews with up and coming female comics artists)
Atomic Books Comics Preview (weekly comics & graphic novel highlights)
Book Notes (authors create music playlists for their book)
guest book reviews
musician/author interviews
Note Books (musicians discuss literature)

